Entries by ponadm


Ponton Group’s Position on the “Stop Paedophilia” Bill 2020

As the whole world is struggling with the coronavirus pandemic that disturbed almost all the countries, Poland is returning to the infamous bill called “Stop Paedophilia”. The first reading  of this bill by the current Polish Sejm is scheduled for April 15-16. This very document met countrywide opposition less than half a year ago: opposition […]


Position of the Ponton Group on the “Stop Paedophilia” project

On 15 October the first reading of the so-called “Stop Paedophilia” project took place in the Parliament. The draft assumes a change in the provision of Article 200b of the Penal Code (Art. 200b. Whoever publicly promotes or approves paedophile behaviour shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the […]


Ponton’s position on the restriction of the availability of emergency contraception ellaOne

PONTON Sex Educators Group negatively assesses the proposed changes in the availability of emergency contraception, ellaOne – ulipristal acetate. The project involves a change in pharmaceutical law, which will cause all contraceptives shall be issued with a prescription. Consequently the only emergency contraception available to people over the age of 15 will again be on […]