Do you want to support our fight for decent sex education in Polish schools?
Do you care about sex education available for young people?
Do you value our happenings, reports and educational brochures?

Send us a donation!

Ponton Group relies on volunteers.
It means that our volunteers are not paid for their work.
To prepare indispensable materials, training, brochures, etc., we need funds.

Each donation is extremely important for us.

You can make a donation to Ponton Group into the following bank account:

Fundacja na rzecz Kobiet i Planowania Rodziny FEDERA

(The Foundation for Women and Family Planning FEDERA)

BP PKO S.A. 15 Oddział w Warszawie
Al. Jerozolimskie 7

45 1020 1156 0000 7902 0060 3951

(IBAN: PL45102011560000790200603951)

payment reference: “DLA GRUPY PONTON” (“FOR PONTON GROUP”)

or via PayPal
(choose: Grupa Ponton [Ponton Group])

Thank you! ❤