What is currently happening in the world of sex education and what is Ponton Group up to?
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If you are interested in what we achieved in 2020, please read our 2020 Annual Report, which is available here.  

As the whole world is struggling with the coronavirus pandemic that disturbed almost all the countries, Poland is returning to the infamous bill called “Stop Paedophilia”. The first reading  of this bill by the current Polish Sejm is scheduled for April 15-16. This very document met countrywide opposition less than half a year ago: opposition […]

On 15 October the first reading of the so-called “Stop Paedophilia” project took place in the Parliament. The draft assumes a change in the provision of Article 200b of the Penal Code (Art. 200b. Whoever publicly promotes or approves paedophile behaviour shall be subject to a fine, the penalty of restriction of liberty or the […]

Our aim is to keep children and teenagers safe and to provide them with an environment free of sexual violence. Thanks to us, young people can acquire knowledge concerning their bodies, relationships and safe behaviours. And yet in their recent publication, members of the PRO – Prawo do życia [the right to life] foundation are […]

Ponton Group signed an open letter to Anna Zalewska, the Minister of National Education, regarding outrageous statements made by the Chief Education Officer in the Małopolskie voivodeship. Warsaw, 25 February 2019 Ms Anna Zalewska Minister of National Education J. Ch. Szucha 25 00-918 Warsaw Request for the dismissal of Barbara Nowak from her position of […]

PONTON Sex Educators Group negatively assesses the proposed changes in the availability of emergency contraception, ellaOne – ulipristal acetate. The project involves a change in pharmaceutical law, which will cause all contraceptives shall be issued with a prescription. Consequently the only emergency contraception available to people over the age of 15 will again be on […]